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For Youth

Public·40 students

How use this apps

Chris C.

A website is a collection of related webpages

Good evening everyone

Chris C.

School got you pulling your hair out? Feeling like your brain is stuck on repeat in French class? Google Gemini (formerly Bard) is here to be your AI sidekick.

Think of Gemeni as your:

Homework Hero: Forget begging your parents for research help. Gemini can:

  • Summarize that mountain of text: History project on the Roman Empire feeling overwhelming? Ask Gemini to give you the key points in a nutshell. Boom, instant understanding!


Popular Google Chrome Extension marked for malware

Hey Learners! Just wanted to give you a heads up about an extension called "Google ChatGPT: Google Search with ChatGPT". Unfortunately, Google has found it to be malware and is recommending that it be turned off and removed as soon as possible.

Previously, the extension was known for providing AI-powered search results alongside regular Google searches. However, Google has now integrated this feature directly into their search results, rendering the extension unnecessary. So, to ensure that your browsing experience remains safe and secure, we strongly recommend that you follow Google's advice and remove the extension from your browser.


    Hey there, future-ready youth! Whether you're already passio...
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